The goals of the Disaster Response Grant are:

  • Improve district crisis preparedness with plans that include physical safety and mental health support.   
  • Increase schools’ capacity to build trauma-informed infrastructures/systems that meet their needs and based on SAMHSA’s six principles of a trauma-informed approach. 
  • Increase schools’ capacity to support students with evidence-based strategies to treat trauma with small group supports.
  • Increase access to therapy for students, staff, and families affected by trauma caused by the 2019 flooding disaster. 

Three ESU 2 schools are included in the project: Fremont Public Schools, North Bend Central Public Schools, Raymond Central Public Schools. The resources from the grant are to be utilized by the district staff and student population.

Reach out to Project contacts, Beth Kabes and Megan Reese, for questions and clarification of the grant activities.

Advisory Meetings

As per the grant, an Advisory Board was created. Quarterly meetings are held for the Advisory Board to review activities and discuss project progress. Members represent each of the districts included in the grant, project partners (Capstone Behavioral Health, Project Harmony, Lutheran Family Services, NE Department of Education, and ESU 2 leadership).

To view the Agenda/Notes, click the link associated with the meeting date.

Educational Opportunities

Staff from the three districts and ESU 2 can register for the training to achieve the goals of the grant. If there are available registration slots, other districts in the ESU 2 service area are eligible to attend. Fees associated with the training are included in the grant funding and attendees are not assessed a registration fee for materials and presenter costs.

Current information/flyers for upcoming training are below. To register, click the link to access ESU 2 Registration: Register Here

NDE Crisis/PFA

To meet the goals of the Disaster Response Grant, developing and supporting local district Crisis Teams is an activity. Initial training and meetings with grant partners was provided for the grant districts. During the early stages of implementation, the Nebraska Department of Education released their Crisis Training and Psychological First Aid training for Nebraska schools. As a partner of the grant, the Crisis Team continuous education is provided by the NDE Crisis/PRA project

Current training opportunities from NDE for Crisis and Psychological First Aid are below.

Link to Canvas

Resources for parents, students, districts are available through an online community in Canvas. Click this link to access the resources.