Professional Development Liaisons partner with each district to support continuous improvement, data analysis, state initiatives, action planning, and goals. In addition, each liaison has content-specific knowledge accessible to all districts. If you are looking for support for your school or district, please reach out to the district liaison or the content-specific professional development team member.

Looking for more information about our Professional Development services? Click here for more detailed descriptions.

Meet Our Professional Development Team!

Photo of Eileen Barks

Eileen Barks

Liaison Schools:
Oakland-Craig, Wahoo, Yutan
Content Specific Knowledge:
Leadership Development , MTSS, Tech Integration

Photo of Justin Bray

Justin Bray

Liaison Schools:
North Bend Central, Lyons-Decatur

Photo of Sam Butler

Sam Butler

Liaison Schools:
Bancroft-Rosalie, Cedar Bluffs, Raymond Central
Content-Specific Knowledge:
Culture/Systems, Leadership, Math

Photo of Crystal Ernst

Crystal Ernst

Liaison Schools:
West Point-Beemer, Wisner-Pilger

Photo of Mike Feit

Mike Feit

Content-Specific Knowledge:
SEBL, Behavior Interventions, CPI (Crisis Prevention Institute), De-escalation training

Photo of Kelly Georgius

Kelly Georgius

Liaison Schools:
Ashland-Greenwood, Logan View, Mead
Content-Specific Knowledge:
Math, MTSS

Photo of Brad Hoffman

Brad Hoffman

Content-Specific Knowledge:
SEBL, Behavior Intervention, PBIS Strategies/Support, Inclusive Practices

Photo of Ashley Rasmussen

Ashley Rasmussen

Liaison Schools:
Tekamah-Herman & Scribner-Snyder
Content-Specific Knowledge:
Science, Assessment

Photo of Caryn Ziettlow

Caryn Ziettlow

Liaison Schools:
North Bend
Content-Specific Knowledge:
English Language Arts